Research Projects
  Completed Projects
DGLab - Corinth

Deep Geodynamic Laboratory - Gulf of Corinth project

The objective is to investigate the mechanical behavior of faults through the instrumentation of deep boreholes intersecting active faults. Particular emphasis will be placed on documenting the role of fluids on fault behavior and the role of earthquake faulting on regional hydrogeology.

WP1: Site reconnaissance (UPSL, IFP, IPGP)
A geophysical site reconnaissance will provide a preliminary image of the local geological structures for selecting the proper boreholes location.

WP2: Drilling and coring (GFZ-Potsdam, IPGP, Univ. Montpellier)
Two wells, 200m apart, are to be drilled through the Aigion fault so as to provide permanent access to an active fault.

WP3: Logging and temporary measurements (IPGP, NKUA, Univ. Montpellier)
Data on the physical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of the fault and its surrounding material will be acquired. The regional temperature, stress and pore pressure fields will be characterized.

WP4: Core analysis, geology, geo-chemistry and physical properties (IFP, Univ. Catania, Univ. Edingurgh, CERMES)
Laboratory analysis of cores retrieved from within and around the fault will provide information on the role of fluids on the past activity of the fault together with the hydraulic and mechanical properties of the geological material.

WP5: Downhole instrumentation and continuous acquisition (IPGP, GFZ-Potsdam)
Activity, of quasistatic and dynamic variations in pore pressure within and around the fault, of the amount of quasistatic deformation and its localization, of the geochemistry of percolating fluids. Hydraulic interference tests with chemical tracers will help determine the hydrological properties of the fault at a 500-m scale. Pore pressure variation will be monitored at various locations around the fault. Downhole seismometers and accelerometers will help characterize the signal at depth.


Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Dr. Francois H. Cornet:
4 place Jussieu 75-252 Paris cedex 05; FRANCE
Tel: (33) 1 44273897 - fax: (33) 1 44273894


Univ. of Athens - N.K.U.A.
Department of Geophysics and Geothermy
Panepistimiopolis, GR 157 84 Illisi, Athens - GREECE
Tel.: (30) 17247445 - fax: (30) 17243217

Geophysique - CEREC (CNRS)
Dr. Philippe PEZARD
BP 80 - 13545 Aix-en-Provence cedex 4 FRANCE
Tel.: (33) 442971553 - fax: (33) 442971559

GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam - GFZ
Prof. Guenter BORM
PO box 600751 - telegrafenberg D14473- Postdam, GERMANY
Tel.: (49) 3312881500- fax: (49) 3312881502

Institut Francais du Petrole - IFP
Dr. Isabelle MORETTI,
1 et 4, avenue de Bois-Preau 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Tel.: (33) 147526191 - fax: (33) 147527067

University of Patras - Seismological Laboratory - UPSL
Rio 261 10 Patras - GREECE
Sub contractor: National observatory of Athens
Tel.: (30) 61997556 - fax: (30) 61990639

Uni of Catania
Dipartimento di Scenze Geologiche

Prof. Francesca C. GHISETTI
Corso Italia, 55 95129 Catania (ITALY)
Tel.: (39) 0957195722 - fax: (39) 0957195728

Uni of Edimbourg
Dr. Ian MAIN:
Department of Geology & Geophysics,
West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK.
Tel.: (44) 1316504911 - fax: (44)1316683184

Ecole des Ponts et Chausees - CERMES
Dr. Jean SULEM:
6-8 av Blaise Pascal Citee Descartes - 77455 Marne la Vallee FRANCE
Tel.: (33) 164153545 - fax: (33) 164153562

Geodynamic Institute - National Observatory of Athens
Lofos Nymfon, Thissio, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: (30) 13490166 - fax: (30) 13490180


