Ερευνητικά Προγράμματα
  Ολοκληρωμένα Προγράμματα

Faults, fractures & Fluids - Gulf of Corinth project

The goal of this project is to better understand fluid transfer in and around fault zones and through carbonated reservoirs. The full set of data we will collect on stress, strain, fluid, core and boreholl imaging will also allow us to understand the fault hydraulic and mechanical behaviour and to calibrate all our tools on fractured reservoirs, especially by comparing the opening of the fractures with the stress field.

WP1: Fractures network (IFP, Enterprise Oil, IPGP)
For the description of the damaged zone around the fault, the cored section we will increased to 200 m. Various tools will be used to describe the anisotropy of the material (DSI, FMI, VSP, local seismic network). The current theory correlates anisotropy with the stress field, so additional stress measurements will be carried out in the wells and in the surrounding area. A mini 3D survey will be shot around the well on a surface geophone array in order to illuminate the well vicinity.

WP2: Permanent captors (IFP, Schlumberger, Postdam)
Two new technologies on permanent monitoring captors will be tested:
one based on fibre optics to record strain variation versus time (it will be installed in the deepest well)
one based on cemented electrodes. A special well will be dedicated to this experiment to monitor the flow of the conductive fluid along the fault plane.

WP3: Tomography (geofrance Azur, UPSL)
Microseismicity will be recorded from the sufrace on a dense network for 4 months. The sites will be installed for repetitive operations and therefore cemented (in the case of a large seismic event, the sites could thus be re-used for a renewed survey). The data from wells and surface network will be used to define the characteristics of the area in terms of velocity and attenuation.
Interpretation will be done jointly by the specialists of reservoir microseismicity and academic seismologists.

WP4: Fluids (ING, IFP)
The fluid flow will be sampled in all the wells and continuous chemical description will be conducted over a couple of months. Measurements will cover a large spectrum of elements including noble gases (ratio + isotopes) in order to understand the source of these elements. The compositions of well fluids, cements and paeofluids will be correlated by modeling the fluid/rock interactions.

WP5: Geomechanical modeling (IFP, NTUA, CEMRES, Un. Lieges, Un. Edimbourg)
All the data will be used to define better the rock deformation and the fluid flow in faulted and fractured material. The coupling between the geomechanical approach (used in the academic world) and the large scale fluid flow (used in oil companies) will be described.


Institut Francais du Petrole Geology and Geochemistry research Division
Dr. Isabelle MORETTI - 1 et 4, avenue de Bois-Preau 92852 Fueil-Malmaison
isabelle.moretti@ifp.fr tel. 33147526191 - fax 33147527067 - Site: www.ifp.fr


Dr. Jean Pierre DELHOMME delhomme@clamart.srpc.slb.com
26 rue de la Cavee 92140 Clamart - FRANCE
Tel.: (33) 145372201 - fax: (33) 145372752

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - IPGP
Dr. Francois H. CORNET: cornet@ipgp.jussieu.fr
4 place jussieu, 75 252 Paris cedex 05; FRANCE
Tel.: (33)144273897 - fax: (33) 144273894

National Tachnical University of Athens - NTUA
Prof. Ioannis VARDOULAKIS I. Vardoulakis@mechan.ntua.gr
5 Heroes of Polytecnion av., GR 157 73 Athens, GREECE
Sub. contractor: T. Uni of Crete Prof. G. Exadaktylos
Tel.: (30) 17721217 - fax: (30) 17721302

Uni of Lieges MSM - Institut des materiaux
Prof. Robert CHARLIER, Robert.Charlier@ulg.ac.be
Quai Banning 6 4000 - Liege - BELGIQUE
Tel.: (32)43669334 - fax: (32) 43669326

Uni of Edimbourg
Dr. Ian MAIN: imain@glg.ed.ac.uk
Department of Geology & Geophysics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK.
Tel.: (44) 01316504911 - fax: (44)1316683184

Laboratory Geosciences Azur - GEOAZUR
Jean VIRIEUX: virieux@faille.unice.fr
250 rue Albert Einstein 06500 Valbonne-FRANCE
Tel.: (33) 492942651 - fax: (33) 492942610
Sub-contractor: Physics Departhment of Universita di Napoli:
Seismology Research Unit Prof. Aldo Zollo

Enterprise Oil Exploration Limited
Dr. martin KENNEDY Martin.kennedy@london.entoil.com
Grand Buildings Trafalgar Square Londre WC2SEJ - ENGLAND
Tel.: (44) 1719254282 - fax: (44)1719254321

Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica - ING
Dr. Fedora QUATTROCCHI quattrocchi@ing750.ingrm.it
Via di Vigna Murata 605 00143 Roma, ITALY
Tel.: (39)0651860302 - fax: (39) 065041181
Sub. contractor Un. Ca 'Foscari Di Venizia
CNRS - Gif sur Yvette Dr. Christiane GAUSSE

GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam - GFZ
Prof Guenter BORM gborm@gfz-potsdam.de
PO box 600751 - telegrafenberg D14473-Postdam, GERMANY
Tel.: (49) 3312881500 - fax: (49) 3312881502

Armines, Ecole des Mines de Paris
Dr. Soazig LE BEGAT Soazig.Le_begat@geophy.ensnp.fr
35 rue Saint Honore 77305 Fontainebleau FRANCE
Tel.: (33) 164694913 - fax: (33) 164694935

University of Patras - Seismological Laboratory - UPSL
Prof. G. Akis TSELENTIS tselenti@upatras.gr
Rio 261 10 Patras - GREECE
Sub contractor: National observatory of Athens
Tel.: (30) 61997556 - fax: (30) 61990639

Ecole des Ponts et Chausees - CERMES
Dr. Jean SULEM: sulem@cermes.enpc.fr
6-8 av Blaise Pascal Citee Descartes - 77455 Marne la Vallee FRANCE
Tel.: (33) 164153545 - fax: (33) 164153562


